The LPP Foundation supports child-centered organizations around the globe and across Chicago. At LPP, we believe all children deserve access to high quality early education. Our aim is to put our hearts, minds, and hands together as we work towards a brighter future for all children, both those inside our classrooms and globally. For more information on all of our partnerships in philanthropy, please email [email protected].
Words can hardly capture the depth of my experience visiting
This summer, four teachers from Lincoln Park Preschool and Kindergarten
Looking for something fun to do with your Toddler? Know
Families interested in Summer & Fall enrollment for 2019-2020, should have
LPP is still accepting applications for our Kindergarten program for
Spring sessions of Preschool Together and Read, Sing & Play classes
Join us Saturday mornings at our historic Old Town location
Lincoln Park Preschool and Kindergarten provides a warm, nurturing, and engaging atmosphere that is conducive to learning at an early age. LPP has been providing and promoting high quality early childhood education since 1994, and has maintained accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) since 1999.
Someone considered to be a close contact of a positive case
Anyone who has spent 15+ minutes within 6-feet of someone who has tested positive, including the 48 hours prior to their positive test or onset of symptoms. (i.e. If someone tests positive on Friday, we consider Wednesday and Thursday contacts as close contacts). Due to the nature of preschool settings, all students in a classroom with a person who has tested positive is considered to be close contacts
We accept Rapid, PCR, and at-home antigen testing unless otherwise noted
A program designed to test close contacts/exposed students while they continue to attend school
Remaining at home after a known or highly likely exposure (i.e. international travel)
For close contacts, the last known day of exposure to a positive case is called “Day 0,” and subsequent days are counted forward from that day. For individuals who develop symptoms and test positive, whichever event happens first is considered “Day 0;” for individuals who are asymptomatic and test positive, the day of their positive test is considered “Day 0.” Subsequent days are counted forward from that day, with Days 5 or 10 being considered end of quarantine (depending on symptom development) and Days 6 and 11 being possible days of return to school/public, respective of symptom development
Currently, these are the symptoms (list)