Lincoln Park Preschool & Kindergarten and By The Hand have a shared vision for the abundant life that is possible for the children of Chicago. Despite incredible growth for both organizations over the course of the last twenty years, the partnership between LPP and By The Hand is strong and continues to enrich the lives of children and families.

By The Hand began in 2001 with 16 students in Cabrini Green. The Chicago-based non-profit is a Christ-centered, after-school program that takes kids by the hand and walks with them from kindergarten through college, loving and nurturing them; mind, body, and soul. By The Hand serves more than 1,800 kids annually. They have taken a holistic approach to providing the individual support every child needs, emphasizing the achievement of measurable goals for academic, physical, and spiritual development. With locations strategically located throughout Chicago’s most dangerous and under-resourced neighborhoods, they are serving kids where the need is greatest.

As each new school year approaches, the LPP community enthusiastically supports the By The Hand Backpack Drive. LPP families have provided 300 backpacks every year, contributing thousands of new backpacks and supplies to By The Hand students over the course of the program. Every December, LPP answers the Christmas wishes of 300 By The Hand students, ages 6-18, by participating in their annual Christmas Gift Drive. In addition to gifts, LPP donates cold-weather necessities like winter coats, hats, gloves, and warm clothing.

“Regardless of their zip code, every child deserves access to high-quality education.” is a guiding principle for the LPP Foundation. With great alignment in values and mission, the LPP Foundation supports BTH in talent, resources, and time. LPP is a proud premier corporate sponsor of By The Hand, and LPP founder Sharon Kozek sits on the By The Hand board of directors.