Traveling to Zambia and working in the Hope School was an experience I will never forget. The months leading up to the trip were filled with anticipation, as I did not know what to expect. I was lesson planning for grades I had never taught in classrooms I had never seen. The unknown about the trip made me nervous. I chatted with several people who had gone on this trip before about what to expect. I kept hearing that this trip would change me, but nothing could have prepared me for the love and awe I felt while at the Hope School. I quickly realized that it didn’t really matter what lessons I prepared or what supplies I brought because the students and teachers were thrilled with just our presence alone. While in the classroom, I observed a classroom community like I had never seen before. All of the students cared for each other and valued what each other had to say. After a student would answer a question the rest of the class would sing a little chant to encourage the student, even if the answer was not correct. It was clear that this ritual has built confidence within the students and taught them that it is okay not to always have the correct answer. During my time in the classroom, I learned so much from the teachers and students. I have brought back several teaching strategies and songs and implemented them in my own classroom. I am so grateful for the friendship and partnership I now have with the Hope teachers. Since my trip to Zambia, I have joined the associate board of Spark Ventures, the organization that puts the trip together each year and helps provide resources for the Hope School. I have also kept in contact with the preschool and kindergarten teachers with whom I have spent time. I am hopeful that I will be back in Zambia to continue to grow and strengthen our relationship!